
Chile Stock Market | Indicator Statistics

The table shows statistics on all market instruments. The signals are given from the very beginning of trading to the present moment. For example, BTC since 2012, BP since 1969. TheWaved is the only indicator that shows all the real statistics. Others only promise that their product would make a profit. After connecting TheWaved, traders and investors will see the same numbers on their charts. TheWaved is the first strategy that works on long periods of time. Perfect for investment. So far we are giving signals on timeframes in 1D, but there are also more profitable timeframes. All data includes the trading commission (0.075 for cryptocurrencies, 0.025 for stocks and other financial instruments). More than 90% of trading signals give a profit almost immediately, so if you are afraid to hold a position, you can close it when it goes into profit. To get more profit, you can use this indicator on a smaller timeframe, which will give you advantages on the opening price. Unfortunately, we cannot provide data of smaller timeframes for the entire period of time, since such statistics include tens of thousands of candles and require significant calculations. In the future, we will add these data to the statistics.

Profitable 67 from 104


Statistics of the indicator strategy results show 64.42% of profitable strategies according to Chile Stock market data.

NOT PROFITABLE 37 from 104


Statistics of the indicator strategy results show 64.42% of profitable strategies according to Chile Stock market data. Read more about the negative profit below


We provide all statistics, instead of selecting only profitable instruments. No one is immune to risks. The company may suddenly go bankrupt. There is a way to avoid risks as much as possible. Invest in only well established businesses; in assets that have been proven to be reliable over time. However, there is a huge profit even in risky assets, if you grab it when the moment is right. Instruments that are not profitable on the 1D timeframe can be profitable on 1H. The data is provided for information purposes.

To avoid catastrophic situations, invest in the instruments you know. The only factor may be delisting of a financial instrument or bankruptcy of a company. In all other situations, you will get a profit.

Chile Stock Market | Strategy Statistics

There are several stock exchanges in Chile. The largest of these is the Santiago Stock Exchange (BCS). She is also known as Bolsa Comercio Santiago. There are 214 firms registered on the BCS. Their market capitalization is approximately $200 billion. BCS is ranked third in Latin America by market capitalization. The exchange also trades bonds, ETFs and exchange-traded fixed income instruments. Such well-known corporations are represented on the stock exchange. The exchange's key index is the Indice de Precios Selectivo de Acciones (IPSA). It shows the status of 40 companies. The list of corporations that this index tracks is updated every 3 months. Other major indexes are IGPA, which shows the status of almost all traded stocks, and INTER-10, which tracks the stocks of 10 corporations on the SPSA list.

Choose Your Plan
TickerNet ProfitProfit FactorPercent ProfitableTotal TradesFirst Trade Date
Apple IncAAPL116.37%2.40728.57%72012-11-12
Aes Andes s.aAESANDES-9.71%0.90812.5%82012-08-30
Administradora DeAFPCAPITAL60.33%2100%12018-05-17
Aguas Andinas s.aAGUAS_A2.99%1.02912.5%82007-10-22
Embotella AndinaANDINA_A49.06%2.10325%42007-07-12
Embotella AndinaANDINA_B39.09%1.60316.67%62007-07-12
Antar ChileANTARCHILE-36.95%00%32007-08-14
Bk of America CorpBAC82.11%4.76450%22018-05-03
Banco de Credito e InversionesBCI148.19%11.37166.67%32005-12-15
Besalco SaBESALCO86.36%1.42318.75%162008-05-29
Banco Santander ChileBSANTANDER5.67%1.05312.5%82007-11-06
Pes CamanchacaCAMANCHACA39.86%1.15115%202011-07-29
Compania Cervecerias Unidas SACCU62.45%3.23225%42007-09-11
Cementos Bio-BCEMENTOS24.96%1.18225%122020-01-02
Cencosud Shopping SACENCOSHOPP12.98%1.15114.29%72019-10-04
Compania General de Electricidad SACGE177.04%1.93728.57%142021-09-28
Gas Natural Chile SACGEGAS51.27%1.82433.33%62021-04-27
Banco De ChileCHILE10.19%1.05220%102006-12-22
Companias Cic SaCIC215.49%3.01133.33%92006-07-04
Empresas CMPCCMPC55.11%1.42618.18%112005-11-11
Blanco Y Negro SaCOLO_COLO135.31%1.82323.08%132008-01-23
Vina Concha ToCONCHATORO-57.16%00%42007-07-13
Empresas CopecCOPEC94.95%2.01120%102007-08-10
Cruzados s.a.d.pCRUZADOS-50.6%00%32011-03-24
Engie EnergiaECL-77.87%0.567.69%132010-09-02
Eche IzquierdoEISA-54.12%0.60625%122017-07-11
Coca Cola EmbonorEMBONOR_B141.67%2.9437.5%82011-07-15
Vinedos EmilianaEMILIANA-20.65%00%12016-02-24
ENEL Americas SAENELAM19.89%1.26516.67%62007-07-11
Enel Distribucion Chile SAENELDXCH134.19%3.03157.14%72019-08-08
Empresa Nacional de Telecomunicaciones SAENTEL-68.16%00%62007-09-10
Esval s.aESVAL_C-67.99%0.6069.09%112011-02-22
A.F.P. HabitatHABITAT113.42%2.26425%82008-10-08
Hipermarc s.aHIPERMARC32.32%1.16518.18%112008-07-23
Hites S.A.HITES162.2%1.67320%202010-03-04
Inversiones Aguas Metropolitanas SAIAM-18.11%0.84511.11%92006-06-15
Inv La ConstruILC-35.13%0.64611.11%92013-02-18
Inst DiagnostiINDISA53.61%1.46527.27%112016-10-05
Ingevec SaINGEVEC-51.84%0.6629.09%112020-05-22
Invexans SaINVEXANS-87.87%00%42013-11-18
Empresas Lipigas SALIPIGAS-42.85%00%42017-12-07
Latam Airlines Group SALTM365.53%2.10325%322005-12-30
Plaza SAMALLPLAZA-43.82%00%32018-10-31
Inmobil ManquehueMANQUEHUE-47.26%00%32020-01-23
Maritima De InversMARINSA56.45%1.39420%102009-05-04
Melon SaMELON86.35%1.38321.43%142010-04-05
Multiexport FoodsMULTI_X92.45%1.29119.23%262010-12-27
Nitratos de Chile SANITRATOS129.5%1.72728.57%142022-06-13
Norte GrandeNORTEGRAN20.17%1.07215%202008-07-01
Empresas la Polar SANUEVAPOLAR-6.44%0.98713.16%382013-03-08
Socd Inv Oro BlancORO_BLANCO385%2.75330%202007-08-22
Parq AraucoPARAUCO166.29%2.64830%102007-10-29
Constr PasurPASUR-12.35%00%12013-01-11
Paz Corp SaPAZ145.5%1.52822.73%222018-12-13
Cemento PolpaicoPOLPAICO-11.75%00%12010-05-31
Potasios De ChilePOTASIOS_A241.38%6.52160%52022-03-03
A.F.P. ProvidaPROVIDA88.5%1.58828.57%142017-11-28
Sociedad Punta DelPUCOBRE47.61%2.29640%52021-05-19
Ripley CorpRIPLEY-78.81%0.71810%202007-08-14
Salmones Camanchaca SASALMOCAM-42.85%00%42019-08-06
Schwager SaSCHWAGER50.62%1.14115.38%262007-11-20
Grupo SecuritySECURITY26.95%1.15715.38%132007-11-09
Inv Siemel SaSIEMEL208.14%0100%22011-09-08
Sigdo KoppersSK162.07%2.7833.33%92022-09-12
Sociedad Matriz SAAM SASMSAAM-15.02%00%12012-07-24
SMU SASMU-81.17%00%52017-08-16
Soquimich ComerciaSOQUICOM115.42%1.99830%102018-07-05
S&p IpsaSP_IPSA306.53%6.7550%81994-03-31
Quimica Y MineraSQM_B104.74%3.17533.33%62005-10-19
Empresas Tricot SATRICOT-10.25%0.90612.5%82017-11-29
Vina San PedroVSPT-15.77%00%12016-12-06
Watts SaWATTS6.42%1.06222.22%92016-12-20
Amazon Com IncAMZN270.08%9.52160%52017-07-03
Boeing CoBA-17.7%00%12020-03-25
Pampa Calichera SaCALICHERAB-62.7%00%22010-10-14
Walt Disney Company (The)DIS47.93%1.92425%42016-06-07
Alphabet Inc (Google) Class AGOOGL90.04%6.63550%22018-04-05
Meta Platforms IncMETA-6.07%0.94812.5%82018-10-02
Starbucks CorpSBUX96.13%7.02450%22017-08-01
Target CorpTGT-15.65%00%12021-03-09
Unitedhealth GrpUNH71.42%2.81625%42019-02-19
Wells Fargo & CoWFC87.51%3.69733.33%32019-08-07

FAQ | What do these numbers mean?

For your reference, statistics of the data generated by the indicator are given below. All these numbers require special attention. They prove the effectiveness and reliability of the strategy and help you understand the position of a particular instrument in the market. The data takes into account the trading commission (0.075 for cryptocurrencies, 0.025 for stocks and other instruments).

Net Profit

The overall profit or loss (in the selected currency) achieved by the trading strategy in the test period. The value is the sum of all values from the Profit column (on the List of Trades tab), taking into account the sign.

Percent Profitable

The percentage of winning trades generated by a strategy. Calculated by dividing the number of winning trades by the total number of closed trades generated by a strategy. Percent profitable is not a very reliable measure by itself. A strategy could have many small winning trades, making the percent profitable high with a small average winning trade, or a few big winning trades accounting for a low percent profitable and a big average winning trade. Some successful strategies have a percent profitability below 50% but are still profitable due to proper loss control.

Profit Factor

The amount of money a trading strategy made for every unit of money it lost (in the selected currency). This value is calculated by dividing gross profits by gross losses.

Total Trades

The total number of closed trades (both winning and losing) generated by a strategy. The total number of trades is important for a number of reasons. First, the number should be large enough for strategy results to be of any statistical significance. Second, the number can help validate that your strategy is trading at the frequency you expect.

First Trade Date

Actually, the date of the first trade. This shows that statistics are stored from the very beginning of the chart for the selected instrument. It is useful to know when the first signal was given.

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